Difference between revisions of "Changelog"

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(60 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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<b>Important!  How to update is.</b>
<li>Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade<br></li>
<li>Make a backup of the database<br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<p>MupsBox v1.1.51 (June 14, 2019)</p>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.4.9 x64 (April 23, 2023)'''</p>
<li>Settings - implemented connection to devices by login and password with Mupsbox DB</li>
<li>Devices module - added support multiple IPs for MikroTik device</li>
<li>Devices module - added Cisco Nexsus devices</li>
<li>Devices module - added OpenWRT devices (new versions)</li>
<li>Devices module - added H3C devices</li>
<li>Backup module - added Eltex MES 24xx devices (with DIFF)</li>
<li>Backup module - added Cisco Nexus devices (with DIFF)</li>
<li>Backup module - new design interface</li>
<li>Backup module - fixed syncronization via API with many lines (more 1000)</li>
<li>HotSpot module - add support send SMS via ROS-LTE interfaces (previos version only ppp)</li>
<li>SysLog module - now separate database</li>
<li>GeoTrack module - added graphics (rssi, speed, tech, ...)</li>
<li>GeoTrack module - added direction for track</li>
<li>GeoTrack module - added support for STYX RGW (RGrouter) devices</li>
<li>Add new Firebird</li>
<li>Small bugs fixed</li>
<li>and more...</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.4.6 x64 (March 27, 2022)'''</p>
<li>Backup module - added CISCO devices (with DIFF)</li>
<li>Backup module - added HUAWEI devices (with DIFF)</li>
<li>FTP module - bugs fixed</li>
<li>Small bugs fixed</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.4.5 x64 (December 26, 2021)'''</p>
<li>Device list - Adaptation for changes on the MikroTik website - due to RouterOS v7 (fix upgrade ROS)</li>
<li>Pooling service - Adaptation for changes on the MikroTik website - due to RouterOS v7</li>
<li>Backup module - added tab - Backup Jobs BETTA - backup of different vendors (available for tests - only cisco - manual job)</li>
<li>Small bugs fixed</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.4.4 x64 (November 21, 2021)'''</p>
<li>Settings - activation - new structure</li>
<li>Settings - activation - backup (BS up to 10 years)</li>
<li>Settings - activation - backup - added Cisco, Juniper, Huawei and e.t.c</li>
<li>Device list - adding devices directly from the "All device" tab</li>
<li>Device list - fixed bugs when copy MikroTik devices</li>
<li>Device list - now you can write long commands</li>
<li>Full software optimization, bugs fixed</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.4.3 x64 (August 15, 2021)'''</p>
<li>Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade<br></li>
<li>Make a backup of the database<br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Device list - on the right button in the device, change the update channel</li>
<li>Device list - in the Mikrotik settings, the correct LTE setting</li>
<li>Device list - added space highlighting devices</li>
<li>Device list - when sorting, the selected lines are removed</li>
<li>Device list - Fixed bugs when working with groups</li>
<li>Full software optimization, bugs fixed</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.4.2 x64 (June 27, 2021)'''</p>
<li>Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade<br></li>
<li>Make a backup of the database<br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Device list - added vendors HP, Eltex, Juniper, Zyxel, Qtech, Fortinet, Extreme</li>
<li>Device list - Send commands to all devices and send multiple commands ([[API-SSH-Management|How to]])</li>
<li>Device list - Add device from net for all devices from tab All devices</li>
<li>Device list - When adding devices Mikrotik from add dev form net lte modem will be detected automatically</li>
<li>Added TFTP Server/Client</li>
<li>Request when closing the program</li>
<li>Notification when saving changes</li>
<li>Full software optimization, bugs fixed</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.4.1 x64 (June 08, 2021)'''</p>
<li>Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade<br></li>
<li>Make a backup of the database<br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>A new way to install the program, now through the installer.</li>
<li>Device list - added vendors Cisco, Huawei, Nix, Dlink (DSG)</li>
<li>Device list - fixed work on updating Mikrotik</li>
<li>Device list - Sending commands for Mikrotik fixed</li>
<li>Device list - Sending ssh commands for nix, Cisco, huawei, dlink</li>
<li>Device list - Uniform form of device editing</li>
<li>Device list - Add device from net for Cisco, Dlink, Huawei</li>
<li>Device list - Mikrotik lte modem update</li>
<li>Device list - added new display fields such as serial number, mac address, etc.</li>
<li>Full software optimization, bugs fixed</li>
<li>Added right button functionality on all devices</li>
<li>Geotrack module - map fixed </li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.10 x64 (December 29, 2020)'''</p>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - fixed some bugs<br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - added Hotspot wizard<br></li>
<li>Device module - fixed some bugs<br></li>
<li>Device module - accelerated work with a large number of equipment<br></li>
<li>Device module - added column time and date when the device was added<br></li>
<li>Device module - added the ability to distribute rights to device groups<br></li>
<li>Device module - Updating dedicated devices, not just all or one<br></li>
<li>WEB module - certificates updated<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.9 x64 (November 24, 2020)'''</p>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Backup module - added retention for nix <br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - fixed some bugs<br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - added spam detect<br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - fixed sms.ru<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.8 x64 (October 06, 2020)'''</p>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Backup module - added notification to Telegram, Email only if error or diff <br></li>
<li>Backup module - added backup if there were changes, for license BS <br></li>
<li>Device module - added new API function "mb?filed"<br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - fixed some bugs<br></li>
<li>WEB - fixed some bugs, added new functionality<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.6 x64 (September 07, 2020)'''</p>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Backup module - added notification to Telegram <br></li>
<li>Settings Notifications - added settings for Telegram <br></li>
<li>Device module - Now you can select several devices and send a command to all of them (without a group)<br></li>
<li>Backup module - backup sync improved performance<br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - added the ability to send passwords to Telegram<br></li>
<li>Hotspot module - added the ability to add MAC address<br></li>
<li>API command - new function mbgetid<br></li>
<li>Device module - added output uptime<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.4 x64 (June 24, 2020)'''</p>
<li>Backup service have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Backup module - Fixed bug with retention<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.3 x64 (June 18, 2020)'''</p>
<li>Database version updated to 1.73 <br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Backup module - added UM backup db, Dude backup DB, folder types<br></li>
<li>Backup module - Nix backup job<br></li>
<li>Device module - added telnet port<br></li>
<li>Device module - added version package channel<br></li>
<li>Device module - added pooling job<br></li>
<li>Device module - added Nix devices<br></li>
<li>Device module - added the ability to control devices using the right mouse button<br></li>
<li>Device module - Using the right mouse button, you can add massively devices to groups<br></li>
<li>New hotspot module introduced ([[HotSpot#HotSpot_Module|HotSpot]])<br></li>
<li>New web module - operator`s console for creating tickets in hotspot module<br></li>
<li>Settings - Notifications - added TLS support<br></li>
<li>Minor bugs fixed<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.1 x64 (January 18, 2020)'''</p>
<li>Database version updated to 1.59 <br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Backup module - now the backup service uses multithreading<br></li>
<li>Access to the program is now available by login and password<br></li>
<li>Users may have different access rights to modules<br></li>
<li>Minor bugs fixed<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.3.0 x64 (Octomber 06, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Now our program has become 64 bit <br></li>
<li>Database version updated to 1.42 <br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Geotrack module available in demo mode<br></li>
<li>Improved program multithreading<br></li>
<li>There are options where you can select the action by double-clicking, the number of threads and more<br></li>
<li>Devices module - now you can snap the device by coordinates and look at the map the location of all devices<br></li>
<li>Polling service added<br></li>
<li>Traffic module - improved module operation, increased reporting speed<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.2.7 (September 03, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Database version updated to 1.38 <br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Added auto-scan of devices on the network and automatic addition to the MupsBox database<br></li>
<li>Improved work with the interface<br></li>
<li>Improved data display speed in the syslog module<br></li>
<li>Added version checking<br></li>
<li>Added automatic database packaging in the traffic module<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.2.6 (August 26, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Database version updated to 1.34 <br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Added support for IPV6<br></li>
<li>Added support for SFTP in the backup module<br></li>
<li>Added SFTP server<br></li>
<li>Added backup sync in the backup module<br></li>
<li>Added the ability to import a RSC file with a configuration to a group of devices<br></li>
<li>Improved program performance on multi-core systems<br></li>
<li>Devices - added comment for device<br></li>
<li>A new type of license for the D1 backup module (Demonstration of full functionality for 1 week)<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.2.2 (July 15, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Firebird 2.5 database support terminated<br></li>
<li>Database version updated to 1.21 <br></li>
<li>Added the ability to backup all program settings on a schedule.<br></li>
<li>Fixed recovery of program settings<br></li>
<li>Added version of services.<br></li>
<li>All services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Fixed traffic module (errors with multiple requests)<br></li>
<li>To switch from DB 2.5, you need to rewrite the MupBox to the folder with the old DB and run it. After updating the database version, go to the Backup module and click on the Settings backup button. Then save the old version of the program and database in another folder. Then install Firebird 3.0 and run the MupBox program. After creating a new database, go to the backup module and click the Settings restore button, select the folder where you saved them and click on any settings file.<br></li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.2.1 (July 04, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Firebird 3.x support added (x32 and x64)<br></li>
<li>Database version updated to 1.20 <br></li>
<li>FTP and Backup services have been updated ([[Install_and_Basic_Configuration#How_to_Upgrade_MupsBox|How to upgrade MupsBox]])<br></li>
<li>Device List - added custom winbox and ssh port<br></li>
<li>Device List - added DNS resolve. Instead of the IP address, you can write DNS name.<br></li>
<li>Device List - Now you can connect to the router via the winbox and via ssh with an empty password.<br></li>
<li>Device on group - added data duplication check<br></li>
<li>Backup module - now you can back up to network folders on the server (Routers for NAT).<br></li>
<li>Backup module - Diff module full functionality. After the service has made a backup of your devices, it will send all changes to the routers to the email.<br></li>
<li>Backup module - Added backup storage depth<br></li>
<li>Backup module - Added the ability to backup all program settings and restore them.<br></li>
<li>Traffic module - Fixed adding jobs.</li>
<li>Traffic module - Added button delete all data.</li>
<li>Syslog module - Added auto update of the list of logs for a given period in seconds.</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.1.51 (June 14, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Database version updated to 1.11 (after starting the program, you need to update the database version)<br></li>
<li>Database version updated to 1.11 (after starting the program, you need to update the database version)<br></li>
Line 8: Line 265:
<li>Filtering routers by groups<br></li>
<li>Filtering routers by groups<br></li>
<li>Filtering routers by keywords, ip addresses, etc.<br></li>
<li>Filtering routers by keywords, ip addresses, etc.<br></li>
<li>Ability to upload the filtered or the entire list of devices in the Exel file.<br></li>
<li>The ability to upload the filtered or the entire list of devices in the Exel file.<br></li>
<li>Enter the device from the program via winbox or ssh (It is necessary to put the winbox and putty utilities in the program folder)<br></li>
<li>Enter the device from the program via winbox or ssh (It is necessary to put the winbox and putty utilities in the program folder)<br></li>
<li>The ability to activate or deactivate the device.<br></li></ul></p></li>
<li>The ability to activate or deactivate the device.<br></li></ul></p></li>
Line 15: Line 272:
<li>Backup module - now you can export a file along the way (Export Path)<br></li>
<li>Backup module - now you can export a file along the way (Export Path)<br></li>
<li>Backup module - added Diff module (while in manual mode)<br></li>
<li>Backup module - added Diff module (while in manual mode)<br></li>
<li>Syslog module added ability to delete content<br></li>
<li>Syslog module added the ability to delete content<br></li>
<li>All passwords are stored in encrypted form.<br></li>
<li>All passwords are stored in encrypted form.<br></li>
<p>MupsBox v1.1.49 (May 17, 2019)</p>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.1.49 (May 17, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Service backup fixed, now works with both local and external FTP server</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.1.48 (May 15, 2019)'''</p>
<li>The database version is updated to 1.6 (after starting the program, you need to update the database version and restart the MupsBox program)</li>
<li>All services have been updated (To upgrade, you must stop the services and overwrite them in the MupsBox folder)</li>
<li>Now email can send emails over SSL.</li>
<li>The Devices module has completely redesigned the process of polling routers and sending commands to routers.</li>
<li>Devices module added Settings for groups button</li>
<li>Devices module added Board-name and Model columns</li>
<li>The Devices module has the line below added - the total number of devices and the number of devices that are not available</li>
<li>Added module Configurator</li>
<li>The Traffic module has been added to the Packing base button and the module operation process has been completely revised.</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.1.47 (08 April 2019)'''</p>
<li>Database version updated to 1.4 (after starting the program, you need to update the database version and restart the MupsBox program)</li>
<li>The MBBackupService.exe service is updated (To update, you must stop the service and overwrite it in the MupsBox folder)</li>
<li>Email alert added</li>
<li>Devices module added a button to transfer command to router</li>
<li>Devices module added a button to transfer command to a group of routers</li>
<li>The Traffic module has added a tab to generate reports for the selected parameters.</li>
<li>The Backup module in the JOB has added the ability to send a report to an email upon completion of Job’s</li>
<li>Syslog module added the ability to filter by date and time interval in these dates.</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.1.46 (March 21, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Syslog module added</li>
<li>Traffic module improved data handling (search by conditions)</li>
<li>Devices module added columns with the current version, new version, current firmware, and new firmware</li>
<li>Devices module added operating system update and BIOS update buttons for a routers</li>
<li>Devices module added the ability to select routers via Ctrl (for now only for deletion)</li>
<li>The Backup module added a progress bar at the manual start to display the progress of the module.</li>
<li>Database version updated to 1.2 (after starting the program, update the database version and restart the MupsBox program)</li>
<p>'''MupsBox v1.1.45 (February 19, 2019)'''</p>
<li>Service backup fixed, now works with both local and external ftp server</li>
<li>Improved work with services.</li>
<li>Added API port for editing (Device list)</li>
<li>Increased the number of characters to enter the Hostname</li>
<li>Added tab to work with the Database database in Settings</li>
<li>Added version of the database (ver1.1)</li>

Latest revision as of 14:26, 23 April 2023

Important! How to update is.

  • Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade
  • Make a backup of the database
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)


MupsBox v1.4.9 x64 (April 23, 2023)

  • Settings - implemented connection to devices by login and password with Mupsbox DB
  • Devices module - added support multiple IPs for MikroTik device
  • Devices module - added Cisco Nexsus devices
  • Devices module - added OpenWRT devices (new versions)
  • Devices module - added H3C devices
  • Backup module - added Eltex MES 24xx devices (with DIFF)
  • Backup module - added Cisco Nexus devices (with DIFF)
  • Backup module - new design interface
  • Backup module - fixed syncronization via API with many lines (more 1000)
  • HotSpot module - add support send SMS via ROS-LTE interfaces (previos version only ppp)
  • SysLog module - now separate database
  • GeoTrack module - added graphics (rssi, speed, tech, ...)
  • GeoTrack module - added direction for track
  • GeoTrack module - added support for STYX RGW (RGrouter) devices
  • Add new Firebird
  • Small bugs fixed
  • and more...

MupsBox v1.4.6 x64 (March 27, 2022)

  • Backup module - added CISCO devices (with DIFF)
  • Backup module - added HUAWEI devices (with DIFF)
  • FTP module - bugs fixed
  • Small bugs fixed

MupsBox v1.4.5 x64 (December 26, 2021)

  • Device list - Adaptation for changes on the MikroTik website - due to RouterOS v7 (fix upgrade ROS)
  • Pooling service - Adaptation for changes on the MikroTik website - due to RouterOS v7
  • Backup module - added tab - Backup Jobs BETTA - backup of different vendors (available for tests - only cisco - manual job)
  • Small bugs fixed

MupsBox v1.4.4 x64 (November 21, 2021)

  • Settings - activation - new structure
  • Settings - activation - backup (BS up to 10 years)
  • Settings - activation - backup - added Cisco, Juniper, Huawei and e.t.c
  • Device list - adding devices directly from the "All device" tab
  • Device list - fixed bugs when copy MikroTik devices
  • Device list - now you can write long commands
  • Full software optimization, bugs fixed

MupsBox v1.4.3 x64 (August 15, 2021)

  • Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade
  • Make a backup of the database
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Device list - on the right button in the device, change the update channel
  • Device list - in the Mikrotik settings, the correct LTE setting
  • Device list - added space highlighting devices
  • Device list - when sorting, the selected lines are removed
  • Device list - Fixed bugs when working with groups
  • Full software optimization, bugs fixed

MupsBox v1.4.2 x64 (June 27, 2021)

  • Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade
  • Make a backup of the database
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Device list - added vendors HP, Eltex, Juniper, Zyxel, Qtech, Fortinet, Extreme
  • Device list - Send commands to all devices and send multiple commands (How to)
  • Device list - Add device from net for all devices from tab All devices
  • Device list - When adding devices Mikrotik from add dev form net lte modem will be detected automatically
  • Added TFTP Server/Client
  • Request when closing the program
  • Notification when saving changes
  • Full software optimization, bugs fixed

MupsBox v1.4.1 x64 (June 08, 2021)

  • Stop all services and Firebird service to upgrade
  • Make a backup of the database
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • A new way to install the program, now through the installer.
  • Device list - added vendors Cisco, Huawei, Nix, Dlink (DSG)
  • Device list - fixed work on updating Mikrotik
  • Device list - Sending commands for Mikrotik fixed
  • Device list - Sending ssh commands for nix, Cisco, huawei, dlink
  • Device list - Uniform form of device editing
  • Device list - Add device from net for Cisco, Dlink, Huawei
  • Device list - Mikrotik lte modem update
  • Device list - added new display fields such as serial number, mac address, etc.
  • Full software optimization, bugs fixed
  • Added right button functionality on all devices
  • Geotrack module - map fixed

MupsBox v1.3.10 x64 (December 29, 2020)

  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Hotspot module - fixed some bugs
  • Hotspot module - added Hotspot wizard
  • Device module - fixed some bugs
  • Device module - accelerated work with a large number of equipment
  • Device module - added column time and date when the device was added
  • Device module - added the ability to distribute rights to device groups
  • Device module - Updating dedicated devices, not just all or one
  • WEB module - certificates updated

MupsBox v1.3.9 x64 (November 24, 2020)

  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Backup module - added retention for nix
  • Hotspot module - fixed some bugs
  • Hotspot module - added spam detect
  • Hotspot module - fixed sms.ru

MupsBox v1.3.8 x64 (October 06, 2020)

  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Backup module - added notification to Telegram, Email only if error or diff
  • Backup module - added backup if there were changes, for license BS
  • Device module - added new API function "mb?filed"
  • Hotspot module - fixed some bugs
  • WEB - fixed some bugs, added new functionality

MupsBox v1.3.6 x64 (September 07, 2020)

  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Backup module - added notification to Telegram
  • Settings Notifications - added settings for Telegram
  • Device module - Now you can select several devices and send a command to all of them (without a group)
  • Backup module - backup sync improved performance
  • Hotspot module - added the ability to send passwords to Telegram
  • Hotspot module - added the ability to add MAC address
  • API command - new function mbgetid
  • Device module - added output uptime

MupsBox v1.3.4 x64 (June 24, 2020)

MupsBox v1.3.3 x64 (June 18, 2020)

  • Database version updated to 1.73
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Backup module - added UM backup db, Dude backup DB, folder types
  • Backup module - Nix backup job
  • Device module - added telnet port
  • Device module - added version package channel
  • Device module - added pooling job
  • Device module - added Nix devices
  • Device module - added the ability to control devices using the right mouse button
  • Device module - Using the right mouse button, you can add massively devices to groups
  • New hotspot module introduced (HotSpot)
  • New web module - operator`s console for creating tickets in hotspot module
  • Settings - Notifications - added TLS support
  • Minor bugs fixed

MupsBox v1.3.1 x64 (January 18, 2020)

  • Database version updated to 1.59
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Backup module - now the backup service uses multithreading
  • Access to the program is now available by login and password
  • Users may have different access rights to modules
  • Minor bugs fixed

MupsBox v1.3.0 x64 (Octomber 06, 2019)

  • Now our program has become 64 bit
  • Database version updated to 1.42
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Geotrack module available in demo mode
  • Improved program multithreading
  • There are options where you can select the action by double-clicking, the number of threads and more
  • Devices module - now you can snap the device by coordinates and look at the map the location of all devices
  • Polling service added
  • Traffic module - improved module operation, increased reporting speed

MupsBox v1.2.7 (September 03, 2019)

  • Database version updated to 1.38
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Added auto-scan of devices on the network and automatic addition to the MupsBox database
  • Improved work with the interface
  • Improved data display speed in the syslog module
  • Added version checking
  • Added automatic database packaging in the traffic module

MupsBox v1.2.6 (August 26, 2019)

  • Database version updated to 1.34
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Added support for IPV6
  • Added support for SFTP in the backup module
  • Added SFTP server
  • Added backup sync in the backup module
  • Added the ability to import a RSC file with a configuration to a group of devices
  • Improved program performance on multi-core systems
  • Devices - added comment for device
  • A new type of license for the D1 backup module (Demonstration of full functionality for 1 week)

MupsBox v1.2.2 (July 15, 2019)

  • Firebird 2.5 database support terminated
  • Database version updated to 1.21
  • Added the ability to backup all program settings on a schedule.
  • Fixed recovery of program settings
  • Added version of services.
  • All services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Fixed traffic module (errors with multiple requests)
  • To switch from DB 2.5, you need to rewrite the MupBox to the folder with the old DB and run it. After updating the database version, go to the Backup module and click on the Settings backup button. Then save the old version of the program and database in another folder. Then install Firebird 3.0 and run the MupBox program. After creating a new database, go to the backup module and click the Settings restore button, select the folder where you saved them and click on any settings file.

MupsBox v1.2.1 (July 04, 2019)

  • Firebird 3.x support added (x32 and x64)
  • Database version updated to 1.20
  • FTP and Backup services have been updated (How to upgrade MupsBox)
  • Device List - added custom winbox and ssh port
  • Device List - added DNS resolve. Instead of the IP address, you can write DNS name.
  • Device List - Now you can connect to the router via the winbox and via ssh with an empty password.
  • Device on group - added data duplication check
  • Backup module - now you can back up to network folders on the server (Routers for NAT).
  • Backup module - Diff module full functionality. After the service has made a backup of your devices, it will send all changes to the routers to the email.
  • Backup module - Added backup storage depth
  • Backup module - Added the ability to backup all program settings and restore them.
  • Traffic module - Fixed adding jobs.
  • Traffic module - Added button delete all data.
  • Syslog module - Added auto update of the list of logs for a given period in seconds.

MupsBox v1.1.51 (June 14, 2019)

  • Database version updated to 1.11 (after starting the program, you need to update the database version)
  • All services have been updated (To upgrade, you must stop the services and overwrite them in the MupsBox folder)
  • Devices module added
    • Filtering routers by groups
    • Filtering routers by keywords, ip addresses, etc.
    • The ability to upload the filtered or the entire list of devices in the Exel file.
    • Enter the device from the program via winbox or ssh (It is necessary to put the winbox and putty utilities in the program folder)
    • The ability to activate or deactivate the device.

  • Configurator - VPN lite module added
  • Backup module - now you can back up to local folders on the server (Routers for NAT).
  • Backup module - now you can export a file along the way (Export Path)
  • Backup module - added Diff module (while in manual mode)
  • Syslog module added the ability to delete content
  • All passwords are stored in encrypted form.

MupsBox v1.1.49 (May 17, 2019)

  • Service backup fixed, now works with both local and external FTP server

MupsBox v1.1.48 (May 15, 2019)

  • The database version is updated to 1.6 (after starting the program, you need to update the database version and restart the MupsBox program)
  • All services have been updated (To upgrade, you must stop the services and overwrite them in the MupsBox folder)
  • Now email can send emails over SSL.
  • The Devices module has completely redesigned the process of polling routers and sending commands to routers.
  • Devices module added Settings for groups button
  • Devices module added Board-name and Model columns
  • The Devices module has the line below added - the total number of devices and the number of devices that are not available
  • Added module Configurator
  • The Traffic module has been added to the Packing base button and the module operation process has been completely revised.

MupsBox v1.1.47 (08 April 2019)

  • Database version updated to 1.4 (after starting the program, you need to update the database version and restart the MupsBox program)
  • The MBBackupService.exe service is updated (To update, you must stop the service and overwrite it in the MupsBox folder)
  • Email alert added
  • Devices module added a button to transfer command to router
  • Devices module added a button to transfer command to a group of routers
  • The Traffic module has added a tab to generate reports for the selected parameters.
  • The Backup module in the JOB has added the ability to send a report to an email upon completion of Job’s
  • Syslog module added the ability to filter by date and time interval in these dates.

MupsBox v1.1.46 (March 21, 2019)

  • Syslog module added
  • Traffic module improved data handling (search by conditions)
  • Devices module added columns with the current version, new version, current firmware, and new firmware
  • Devices module added operating system update and BIOS update buttons for a routers
  • Devices module added the ability to select routers via Ctrl (for now only for deletion)
  • The Backup module added a progress bar at the manual start to display the progress of the module.
  • Database version updated to 1.2 (after starting the program, update the database version and restart the MupsBox program)

MupsBox v1.1.45 (February 19, 2019)

  • Improved work with services.
  • Added API port for editing (Device list)
  • Increased the number of characters to enter the Hostname
  • Added tab to work with the Database database in Settings
  • Added version of the database (ver1.1)