Install and Basic Configuration

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How to install and Upgrade MupsBox

Starting with version 1.4, the program is shipped with the installer, which simplifies the process of installing and updating the program. When you start the installer, you are prompted to select the installation path. By default destination location is Letter of installed operation system and application name. For example: C:\MupsBox.

Install selectdir
Type Installation page provides chose options between:

  • Server - default installation application with database on current machine.
  • Client - Installation only application without database. There is need put IP address and folder path information for connect to database on remote host.
  • Installation - Type installation.png

    On select components page can be chosen custom next options:

    • Main Files - the core of application.
    • Firebird SQL Server - Database, that keep information data of application. During update process installer will be compare current database SQL server and new one.
    • Web components - Not necessary components for new web features.

    Installation - select components.png

    During first installation, if Firebird SQL served was not installed and select component was checked, application provide page for fill SYSDBA password for new instance.

    Installation - SYSDBA password.png

    Select Start Menu folder:

    Installation - select start menu option.png

    Create desktop shortcut

    Installation - create shortcut.png

    After progress installation, installer show

    Installation - Complete.png

    Using Firebird 3.x

    There is a Firebird database used to store data like connection data to devices, temporary data, statistical data, etc. MupsBox uses version 3.x. Firebird can be installed using application installer or manually. When you run manual installation, select a language, accept the terms of the agreement, select the installation folder, select which components to install (you can leave the default), create shortcuts in the menu, select additional tasks ( can be left by default).


    Warning: Firebird 2.5 database support terminated. Firebird 4.0 database support not optimized. Please use only 3.0 version.

    The location of the program on the server.

    You need to place the executable program files in the same folder with the following files


    Attention: If your antivirus warns that one of our services is Trojan or Malware, send these files to the antivirus vendor so that they add their signatures to the exceptions. We do not have Trojans and other filth.

    There is some of main files of application:

    • MupsBox.exe - is the main application, a device management GUI application.
    • MBTrafficser.exe - is a service for regularly receiving Traffic Accounting data.
    • MBBackupService.exe - is a service for running backup tasks.
    • MBFtpService.exe - is a service for running an ftp server on your PC.
    • MBSyslogService.exe - is a data collection service for the Syslog module.
    • MBPoolingService.exe - A service that polls devices for a given timer.
    • Config.ini - application configuration file.
    • MBDB.FDB - application database file.
    • Fbclient.dll - is an application and database interaction library.
    • deftitle.rtf - File for editing the report title
    • defbottom.rtf - File for editing report style
    • ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll - SSL libraries
    • libssh2.dll and libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll - library for the client part of sftp
    • msvcp110.dll, vcruntime140.dll, msvcr110.dll, msvcr100.dll - supporting libraries

    First start

    When you first start MupsBox.exe, you should create a new database or open an existing database.

    If you are installing the program for the first time, then click Create. If you already have a database, click Open.

    After clicking on the selected button, a window will appear, where you need to select the path and name to save or open your database.

    After you have chosen a place to create or open your database and give it a name, click the Save or Open button. And you will see that the database was created (opened) as in the image below.

    Before install services

    It's necessary to configure settings for services Syslog, FTP and also configure notifications.

    The application provide different type of notification: via mail, via sms, via telegram

    Notifications via mail

    • Mail server - your mail server

    • SSL options - choose appropriate method of security: SSLv2, SSLv23, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv.1.2 or without SSL option.

    • Mail port - port without SSL

    • Mail user - username to logon to mail server

    • Mail password - password for your username

    • Mail From - Custom MAIL FROM

    • Mail global recipient - mail to send all notifications(can be redefined in jobs)

    • Check - MupsBox will send a test email

    • Save - save your settings for notifications

    Notifications via telegram

    • Key bot - link on telegram channel

    • Client id - Id that new massages should be send.

    • use proxy - use proxy setting for send messages

    • Proxy server - proxy server for send telegram messages

    • Proxy port - port of proxy server for send telegram messages

    • User - user on proxy server for send telegram messages

    • Password - password on proxy server for send telegram messages

    • Test string - Send a test telegram string

    Local FTP/SFTP

    By default, please use SFTP service for your goals.

    • User - username to connect to the local SFTP or FTP service

    • Password - Password to connect to the local SFTP or FTP service

    • Directory - Folder in which they will connect via SFTP or FTP

    • Port - SFTP / FTP - port


    • - your local IP or your IP address to listen all by UDP

    • 514 - UDP port to listen to messages


    • IP Address Syslog for Hotspot gateway - your local IP or your IP address to listen all by UDP

    • Port Syslog for Hotspot Gateway - UDP port to listen to messages. Warning: The port must be different from the port for syslog

    • Spam SMS tries - counts of fail tries to use SMS authentication. After threshold, mac address will add to black list.


    • Number of device threads - How many threads to use for polling devices

    • Number of IP scanner threads - How many threads to use to search for devices

    • Web server port - port on which the web server will be launched

    • * debug - additional logs for services

    • Device service timer (min) - how often to automatically poll devices

    • Double click on device - choose what will happen when you double-click or when you click on enter

    • SSH/Telnet - which application will open when you click on the button Start ssh

    • Text Backup alert - Adds a warning with the given text to the message body

    • Size logs/tmp - shows folder size

    • Clear logs/tmp - clears all contents of folders

    Users and permissions

    When you click on the Add User button, you can add a user with defined access rights to the application.

    Install and Start services

    • To install the service, you must click on the install button next to the name of the service.

    • To start the service, you must click on the start button next to the name of the service.

    How to Upgrade MupsBox

    • The first step is to stop all services.

    • Next, you need to uninstall all services.

    • After downloading the archive of the new version of the program.

    • Unpack the contents of the archive into the folder where MupsBox software is installed.

    • After starting the program, the system will offer you to update the database. Click Update.

    Upgrade DB

    • After updating the database, install and start the services.


    Activation shows what level of license is installed in your copy of the MupsBOX program. To activate your license level, you need to fill your real email address, select the license level of the module you want to activate and click Save Level. After that, you need to generate your License ID by clicking the Get License ID button, you will receive a unique identifier that you need to send to email, our specialists will generate a key that will send you back to email. The resulting key must be placed in the License key field, click the Save button and restart the program.

    There is faster way for provide license ID information. The file button provide save license for all modules to file. Then send file to email, our specialists will generate a key file that will send you back to email. Then you use Load key button for fill license keys for each modules.